How to access
At CORNERSTONE our sign-up and design submission processes are straight forward for everyone. All the design rules and design kit can be downloaded directly from our website at the click of a button for your convenience. If you have further questions at any stage of the process our team are always happy to help.
How to access a MPW run
Step 1
Follow us on social media and sign-up to our mailing list to find about our call announcements
Step 2
Download our open-source design rules
Step 3
Complete our online sign-up form before the advertised deadline
Step 4
You will receive a quote from the CORNERSTONE team
Step 5
When your GDS design file is finished, complete our design submission form and upload a Purchase Order
Step 6
Share your GDS design file via our website before the mask submission deadline
Bespoke Fabrication runs
If you have an exciting idea which you’d like to discuss before signing up then please do get in touch. We love hearing about your research and can offer design consultancy and bespoke packages to bring your concepts to life.
Do I need a NDA?
CORNERSTONE takes confidentially seriously but an NDA is not required unless you specifically require one.
CORNERSTONE is also accessible via EUROPRACTICE, a consortium of research organisations that provides European industry and academia with a platform to develop electronic and photonic circuits and systems.
Please complete this form to sign-up to any upcoming CORNERSTONE MPW batch.